Can You Remove a Tattoo the Next Day?

Your question indicates one of two scenarios. The first applies to those who fully intended to get a tattoo, booked an appointment, consulted with a tattooist, agreed upon a design, got the tattoo, and ended up with one that did not match what they wanted at all. If this is you, we feel your pain. There are some questionable tattoo shops and artists out there. It’s unfortunate that they didn’t take the time to properly grasp what you wanted, nor show you the progress in a mirror to ensure that the design was on track for what you envisioned. The second scenario applies to those who got a tattoo on a whim (possibly peer pressured), did not plan ahead, and walked-in to a parlor to get a piece that seemed like a good idea at the time…but ultimately wasn’t. In this case the shop and artist probably wasn’t to blame, unless of course you were “under the influence”. If the latter was true, then the shop/artist should have recognized it and requested that you reschedule for another day.

But we digress.

Ultimately you literally just got a tattoo, are not happy about it, and want it gone right away. Can you remove a tattoo the next day? Read ahead to find out.

Definitive Answer to Whether or Not You Can Remove a Tattoo the Day After Getting it Done

No, You Cannot Remove a Tattoo the Next Day

can you remove a tattoo the next day

Why? Consider it like you would a flesh wound. If you aggravate it, the risk of infection and subsequent scarring increases exponentially. This risk is very high, and the procedure would be downright tortuous. The tattoo needs to fully heal. Any laser removal clinic that tells you otherwise needs to be reported to the health-and-safety regulatory body in your locale.

How Long Do You Have to Wait?

Small and/or fine line tattoos may fully heal in 3-months, although a laser tattoo removal technician will need to inspect it before agreeing to proceed. A medium to larger tattoo generally take 6 to 9 months to heal to the point that the laser procedure can begin.

We know this isn’t the news that you wanted to hear, BUT it’s what’s required. That being said, given that you want to get it removed as quickly as possible you can certainly schedule your consultation with a laser removal specialist about 2-months from today. This will give you the opportunity to begin the discussion and plan for the first session. Premium laser tattoo removal services book up fast, so go ahead and schedule your appointment in advance. And don’t worry about cost quite yet because your initial consultation at NIXX in Vancouver BC is FREE without commitment!

Lighten to Cover-Up to Reduce Wait Time?

If you want the tattoo gone because the artist didn’t deliver on what you wanted, you may consider a laser treatments to lighten the unwanted tattoo. Treatments can be applied to the point that a coverup tattoo (of a design you actually want) can be more easily applied. This doesn’t shorten the time that you have to wait to begin laser treatments, but it does reduce the number of laser treatments needed to get rid of the unwanted tattoo. This ultimately shortens the time it takes to be free of the unfortunate work of body “art” that you don’t like. View more on using laser to lighten a tattoo for coverup at NIXX in Vancouver BC.


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